Applications of Artificial Intelligence


  • As we know, Artificial Intelligence lends itself to the modern day in a multitude of ways. Due to the versatility of a machine to be able to learn patterns and trends in data and become smarter, Artificial Intelligence is being used in a variety of fields in present times.
  • This article will aim to introduce us to the various fields and uses cases of Artificial Intelligence. I.e., we will gain insight into real-world use cases of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Without any further ado, let’s get straight into it.
Use cases of AI are limitless- And have not yet reached their peak.

Uses of Artificial Intelligence.

1. Web Search Engines.

  • A search engine is a package of software applications that allow you to conduct web searches. They conduct a comprehensive search of the World Wide Web for specific information given in a textual web search query. The search results are usually displayed in a line, which is called a search engine results page (SERPs).  Links to web pages, pictures, audio, visualizations, papers, scientific papers, and other kinds of files may be included in the SERP content. Some search engines also search databases and open directories for relevant data. Web directories require human beings to do all managing and editing of the  search engine will keep and manage all real-time data by using operating an algorithm on a web crawler.
Ai will gradually take over the Finance Sector

2. The Finance Sector.

  • Artificial intelligence and robotic software such as Robotic Process Automation or RPA have significantly impacted the banking sector. The finance sector is one of the first industries to be completely disrupted by the onset of Artificial Intelligence. As you know, for a very long time, machines have been replacing the repetitive, tedious tasks that human beings perform on a daily or regular basis- This is not good for the Finance Sector because because an accountants work on a daily basis is repetitive and rule-based. Hence, AI will indeed automate the majority of it.
Robotic Process Automation is often used in conjunction with AI, especially for Manual Labour; a good example would be in car plants.

3. Natural Language Processing.

  • Natural language processing (NLP) is a study of language, computer engineering, and artificial intelligence that explores how machines interact with human speech. Specifically, it looks at how to design computers to process and analyze massive amounts of natural language data. The objective is to obtain a computer that can “understand” and “interpret” the contents of communication forms (examples being papers, documents, letters, etc.), including the complexities of language in context. The system can then derive precise knowledge and feedback from the papers, as well as classify and categorize them.
NLP (Natural Language Processing) is about teaching the machine how to effectively communicate in human-made speech

4. Healthcare and Medicine.

  • And here we look at Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare an Medicine field. From an honest point of view; this article would not be complete if AI for Healthcare and Medicine was not mentioned in an article about use cases of AI.
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have a significant role to play in healthcare and digital transformation. Machine learning algorithms will make it easier to collect and store more data and find more patterns that are difficult for people to detect. If you engage AI engineers, you can use modern technology to discover danger indicators in a broad population.
  • Our AI has reached a state where doctors do not need to be physically present in a theatre room to perform an operation on a patient. Instead, the doctor located on one side of the world, may simply use a specialized suit with transmitters, to control a remote medical robot- It is via this remote control, that the robot performs an operation. Doctors have also agreed that the precision of the robot is better than that of the human being.
AI has saved numerous lives all around the world

5. Optical Character Recognition.

  • Optical character recognition (OCR) is the electronic or mechanical conversion of images of handwritten, or label instructions into machine-encoded manuscript, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene photo (for example, text on signs and billboards in a landscape photo), or subtitle text overlaid on an image for example: a television broadcast. Optical Character Recognition allow machines to “extract” text from images. Simply put, a machine that has been trained to perform OCR, will extract the text “stop” from a stop sign or “Inanda 45 Minutes” from a location sign. And I should mention that the use cases of OCR are not limited to only street signs.
Artificial Intelligence has enabled an artificial eye to be created.

6. Machine Learning.

  • An extremely important use case of Artificial Intelligence is Machine Learning. This use case of AI is very interesting.
  • Artficial Intelligence is actually the primary collective name that is given to all forms of Intelligent Behavior and which is exhibited by machines.
  • Machine Learning, often abbreviated as ML, is one of the branches of AI. We shall speak more about this in a future article.
Machine Learning is a type or “branch” of AI.


  • This concludes my article about the applications and use cases of Artificial Intelligence in the modern day. I ho hope that you found this article interesting and have learnt new concepts about the topic of AI.
  • Thank you for your time.

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