Introduction To Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning?

  • Machine Learning, often abbreviated as ML, is a field of computation that is trending in the present day. This field comprises (consists of) the processes in which machines are taught how to identify and learn patterns and trends in data that is fed into the system. Hence enabling them (the machines) to learn from their experiences (exposure to data/datasets).
  • Machine Learning is a combination of fields of powerful calculation and computation such as Mathematics, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
  • Using Machine Learning methodologies one is able to step into the future to explore possible scenarios and occurrences, as well as develop solutions for the task at hand.
  • From this brief description of Machine Learning, one is able to infer and deduce that the techniques and principles of Machine Learning play a crucial part in helping to create an Artificial Intelligence.
There exists a dependence of Artificial Intelligence on Machine Learning

Why Can A Machine Learn, Using ML Techniques?

  • The technical reason for a Machine to be able to learn from its experiences in this field (ML), is because this field is actually a subset or variant of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Therefore this field allows for a Machine to exhibit signs of Intelligent Behaviour, because teaching is involved. Learning, or being able to identify patterns and trends is a form and sign of Intelligent Behaviour.
  • So essentially what I am saying is that we, the human beings, have and display characteristics of Intelligent Behaviour. Our aim or goal, is to teach machines how to develop and hold similar qualities.
Artificial Intelligence is the collective name given to all forms of Intelligent Behaviors that may be exhibited by machines

The Magic Of Being Human.

  • Here, we welcome a bit of philosophy.
  • You see, what makes us human is our natural ability to learn from our mistakes. Nature has wired our brain in a fascinating way. We are able to learn from each mistake that we make in life. We are able to see, learn, and grow. Our knowledge base keeps expanding as life goes on. We have the ability to differentiate right from wrong when faced with a logical or ethical situation. We are able to make assumptions. We have the ability to infer and deduce upon being presented with information.
As with human beings, machines also cater for margin of errors

The Magic Of Human Shared With Machine.

  • Machine Learning serves as a field in which Machines can be introduced to the ways of human life, and are granted the gift of learning from their mistakes, alongside other perks. Most individuals, when thrown the term Machine Learning, perceive the field to be one of solely making predictions for future situations- This is not entirely the case, as we will see in future lessons. At this point however, let us understand how Machine Learning enables predictions to be made.
  • Being human does not only mean making mistakes and learning to correct them in the near future. Sight, Hearing, Speech- any human-like quality in today’s time- can be integrated into a Machine using the ways of Machine Learning and it’s associated disciplines.
The ability of speech is one of the many human-like qualities that may be taught to a machine

A General Overview Of Machine Learning.

  • The process of Machine Learning may be summarized and explained in a simple 4-phase diagram.
The Machine- Learning Process
  • In present times, the process of creating a functional AI is dependent on the above steps. I shall explain the above process in the next article.


  • In this article we were introduced to the topic of Machine Learning. ML is a powerful and fascinating discipline and is a branch of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Any form of Artificial Intelligence will employ Machine Learning techniques to identify trends and patterns in data, and learn from it; hence becoming smarter and ultimately creating an AI.
  • I ho hope that you found this article interesting.
  • Thank you for your time.

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