Important Artificial Intelligence Terminology

Introduction. This article will seek to introduce us to vocabulary that is frequently used in an AI environment. Before one attempts to research about complex topics of AI, one must first understand the basics, because as with any form of construction, the proper building of the foundation of new concepts, is vital to our understandingContinue reading “Important Artificial Intelligence Terminology”

Introduction To Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning? Machine Learning, often abbreviated as ML, is a field of computation that is trending in the present day. This field comprises (consists of) the processes in which machines are taught how to identify and learn patterns and trends in data that is fed into the system. Hence enabling them (the machines)Continue reading “Introduction To Machine Learning”

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction. As we know, Artificial Intelligence lends itself to the modern day in a multitude of ways. Due to the versatility of a machine to be able to learn patterns and trends in data and become smarter, Artificial Intelligence is being used in a variety of fields in present times. This article will aim toContinue reading “Applications of Artificial Intelligence”

Types of Artificial Intelligence

Introduction. As we have learned from our previous article, Artificial Intelligence is a field of computation that has existed for many years; however, it is only in recent times that the field has become more pronounced and popular. Artificial Intelligence is the primary term that is used to describe machines that may exhibit cognitive andContinue reading “Types of Artificial Intelligence”

Introduction To AI

What is AI? Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to cognition demonstrated by machines rather than natural intelligence produced by animals such as humans. Leading Industry textbooks define AI as the study of “intelligent agents,” or entities that understand their surroundings and take actions that increase their chances of attaining their objectives. However, prominent AI researchers rejectContinue reading “Introduction To AI”

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